
Journal Articles and Other Published Work

“Promoting Conspiracy Theories Strategically” with David Hilden
Conditionally accepted at the Quarterly Journal of Political Science

“Immigration and Political Incorporation: Asian American Representation in State Legislatures” with Tanika Raychaudhuri
Conditionally accepted at State Politics and Policy Quarterly

“Responsive Rhetoric: Evidence from Congressional Redistricting” with Jaclyn Kaslovsky
Forthcoming, Legislative Studies Quarterly

“Comparing Leviathans: Agenda Influence in State Legislatures, 2011 to 2023” with Boris Shor
2024, Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy

“Local Newspapers and Ideological Accountability in US House Elections” with Brandice Canes-Wrone
2023. In Accountability Reconsidered: Voters, Interests, and Information in US Policymaking, Cambridge University Press

“Fighting for Majorities? Explaining the Development of Caucus Fundraising in American Legislatures”
2022, Journal of Politics

“Out of Step and Still in Congress? The Electoral Consequences of Incumbent and Challenger Positioning across Time” with Brandice Canes-Wrone
2022, Quarterly Journal of Political Science

Book Project

Paying for the Party: How Fundraising Demands Lead to Less Productive and Representative Legislatures (under contract with University of Chicago Press)


  1. Introduction
  2. A Theory of Party Fundraising
  3. Party Fundraising in the States
  4. Who Gives? And Why?
  5. A Theory of Policymaking and Fundraising
  6. Fundraising Demands and Policy Productivity
  7. Fundraising Demands and Descriptive Representation
  8. The Future of Party Fundraising

Drafts of chapters available on request.

Select Working Papers

“Credit Claiming and Accountability for Legislative Effectiveness” with Elizabeth Simas, David Hilden, and Jamie Wright

“Ambition and Conflict in State Legislatures” with Christian Fong

“Ideological Bias in Legislator Contact? Evidence from Witness Slips in the Illinois General Assembly” with Michael Pomirchy

“Opening the Gates: Interest Group Influence on Partisan Agenda Control” with Boris Shor